Chris H
2015-05-08 14:15:10 UTC
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I've read everything at What should I look for in clipless pedals and shoes? and I'm still not sure I can have what I want. I mainly use the bike for commuting (which will be bike-train-walk) and running errands, including with a baby seat when I don't want to be clipped in. So I'm looking for:

  • Ability to ride in normal shoes as well as cycling shoes.
  • Cycling shoes I can walk some distance in (say a mile at a time), and sit around in on the train.

To me the second point suggests the cleats should be recessed - but does this then rule out the first point? Shimano M424s (cheap/beginner option) and MT50 both allow normal shoes but I can't see how they'd work with walkable clipless shoes. Should I give up and just get some half clips and normal shoes?

I've also looked at walkable clipless pedal shoe to replace normal shoe? but there's no definitive answer there either.

九 答案:
2015-05-08 21:50:30 UTC
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For many years, I used cheap Forte pedals (Performance Bicycle house brand) with a platform on one side and SPD on the other side. This was on a mountain bike. Shimano M-324 pedals look very similar ($45 at Amazon) I used these pedals for years for all kinds of riding, including singletrack. The dual-sided nature of the pedals made it a bit tricky to get started in difficult spots on the trail, but it would be very easy if you're riding on the road

enter image description hereenter image description here

I also have Shimano M038 shoes that have a recessed SPD cleat and are very good for walking around. The cleat doesn't touch the ground.

enter image description hereenter image description here

These days I use a different bike with Shimano M-520 pedals, but I still use the M038 shoes for commuting occasionally.

2015-05-08 14:46:51 UTC
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I have a pair of Wellgo's similar to those pedals, and two pairs of walkable shoes. One pair I had to mod by cutting back the tread around the cleats. The other pair work well with no modifications, but the cleat does touch the ground when walking. I have seen combinations that plain do not work, or worse - the shoe tread jams and you cannot rotate to get out.

The clip part of the pedal sticks up a little, so with soft soled shoes you can feel it, and its less than ideal for anything but short distances.

With any of these its a compromise - Dedicated platform pedals have great grip, but clipless need to be able to rotate to release, so they cannot come close to performance of platforms as a dedicated platform. Shoes for dedicated clipless pedals don't have to worry about the sole catching and can recess the cleat further than shoes designed for those pedals.

Best suggestion I can make is find the shoes you want first and match to a pedal that can be used with those and you normal shoes.

I have a set of the two sides (platform one side, clips the other) pedals in my box of spare parts I tried and found they were a poor compromise that never worked well for me. Think twice before going down that path.

也許使用不同的平台是一個很好的折衷方案?我喜歡我的MKS Lambda,所以我可能永遠不會再使用其他踏板了。
Chris H
2015-05-31 01:07:56 UTC
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In the end I got the Shimano M424s and Specialised Cadets. The M424s aren't much worse with trainers than my previous Wellgo plastic platforms, but @Trengot is spot on that the spring-loaded bit doesn't do much of any use. I wouldn't fancy wearing smooth-soled shoes on them but hiking boots or trainers are fine.

The Cadets are quite nice on platform pedals as well. To get them to fit cleanly with the M424s I needed to file down some of the grips on the pedals (I could have cut away at the shoe as someone else has done, but pedals are cheaper and easier to repair (drill out and tap in grubscrews for example) had I got it wrong. As for the walkable-shoes sceptics, you can't feel the cleat at all; you can sometimes hear it hit the ground, perhaps on a bit of grit. The sole is claimed to be stiffness index 4, which makes it comparable to hiking boots, they're no problem to wear all day, and even jog a mile or so on hard ground.

2015-11-26 07:31:41 UTC
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雙面踏板是兩個世界中最糟糕的。他們擅長於公寓,而擅長於SPD,但他們都做這兩項工作。我的首選是Shimano M324 SPD踏板。它們完全適合我所有不同的騎行鞋。它們具有平整的側面和SPD的側面,每一面都有單獨的工作。無論您是穿普通鞋還是無夾鞋,都會經常用腳趾翻轉它們。我將它們放在通勤者上,因為我喜歡選擇騎乘我碰巧穿的鞋子。如果您嘗試它並討厭它,那麼您幾乎將要獲得兩組腳踏板並在想要穿另一雙鞋時調換它們。

對於鞋子,只要您使用SPD防滑釘,幾乎所有MTB鞋子都可以使用,但是最近市場更加傾向於步行。不要用碳纖維鞋墊獲得超硬的東西,這與您想要的相反。如果您實際上在走路,則需要一點柔韌性。我便宜的goto是一種碳化碳鋼,它們不到90美元,很適合步行。如果您在路上或越野時做更多的事情,Giro Terraduro的鞋子會很甜。如果您想更休閒,請購買Chrome或DZR鞋子。我都跑了,一開始它們可能會有點緊縮,縫的鋒利邊緣會磨損一點,步行或騎行時整日穿著都感覺很好。

除了shimano SPD之外,您都無法獲得任何防滑板風格的雙面踏板,因此最好是有興趣購買該系統。但是,這是非常可靠的。我把我的裝備當成廢話對待,我的shimano踏板都沒有故障,它們可能生鏽了一些,但仍然可以工作。

2018-02-02 02:58:28 UTC
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數十年來,我一直在使用Shimano M-324踏板,並且總是搭配可步行的SPD鞋子。我從Shimano鞋子開始( M38 ?),然後是 Specialized ,現在是一雙 熱衷的 鞋子(我認為已經停產了)。它們看上去都與運動鞋相似。 (Keen的鞋子看上去恕我直言,甚至酷極了。)





Nick Cain
2015-05-09 04:28:01 UTC
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但是,具有防滑板的系統(例如Shimano SPD或Crank Brothers)將產生最小的干擾。如果您還選擇一種這樣的鞋子來提供一定的靈活性,那麼使用無夾系統(btw稱為無夾系統,因為它可以代替無夾系統)將使您走起來最容易。正如Nik指出的那樣,



2015-05-08 14:35:30 UTC
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M424確實不允許穿普通的鞋子。我有一套 M545(相同,但有一個金屬籠),而防滑板則以籠子為傲。

您可以購買單面踏板 *,該踏板可讓您騎在踏板一側的平地上,而又可以夾在另一側。至於鞋子,諸如 Specialized Tahoe之類的東西?他們應該像普通鞋子一樣耐磨。



在嘗試插入踏板之前,我並不需要花很多時間來確保踏板是正確的,但這可能是一個選擇。我看了看塔霍鞋,但是當我看到鞋底的圖片時,我無法想像它適合M424,順便說一句,它與我能找到的M525圖片完全不同(鞋底沒有普通鞋的握把) M525)。在我鏈接的其中一個線程中提到了半剪輯,它們是精簡的無肩帶式剪輯,因此如果我無法獲得想要的功能,則可以在平台上進行改進。
他們聲稱綁定器是彈簧加載的:“踏板可以與普通的鞋子一起使用,因為綁定器被推平並且合金籠支撐鞋子。” [(來自wiggle)](http://www.wiggle.co.uk/shimano-pd-m545-free-ride-pedals/)。
2015-05-08 23:44:09 UTC
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I have used Shimano M424 pedals for several years in XC and Commuting, And at least for me, they result in a very good pedal to use even with non cycling shoes. I have even commuted in regular office shoes with them and they seemed comfortable enough for a 15-45 minute commute.

So, for the aim of the original question, this would be indeed my recommendation. Most of the time I'd use good walking shoes or running shoes, as they would allow for quick switching among biking and walking or running, and proper cycling shoes for training.

However, I propose you ask yourself whether you really need cleated shoes for commuting. I have recently "lost" my cleat pedals and I'm kind of "forced" to use regular platform pedals in a bike that I use for commuting and training. While commuting I don't feel at all the need to be clipped, and while training I only feel the lack of them when I want to accelerate really hard. (My feet rolls the pedal forward).

2015-05-08 22:47:30 UTC
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Yes opinion but cycling shoes I can walk some distance in (say a mile at a time) is not realistic. Even a recessed cleat you are going wear out with mile walks. You are going to muck them up if you walk in dirt. And they are just not comfortable over long distances. A walkable cleat shoe is for 100 yards or less in my book.

You should try out some large platform pedals with spike and some street shoes like a Five Ten. You get amazing good traction. I ride a lot and only use cleats on long road rides and when I race. I even train for CX on platform as I don't want to wear out my 200 cleats.

我的意思是我可以整日走動沒有問題。 100碼有點保守。

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